Are you trying to find social media accounts by phone number of the neighbor, long lost old friend or a person you met in the conference. You can find out all social media profiles of a person if all you know is his/her phone number.
How, you may ask!. The answers are in this article. Are you ready to find out the best methods to find anyone’s social media profiles using only their phone number? If yes, then you’ve stumbled upon the right article. Here are 10 effective ways to find someone’s social profile by phone number for free using free phone number lookup tools.
What is phone number lookup tools
Phone number lookup tools are used to find out background information of a person, including age, gender, social media profiles, address, images and ethnicity using only phone number of the person. You can use these phone number lookup tools to search for any phone number and find out about linked social profiles of a person.
10 ways to find social media by phone number
You can find accounts on the social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, reddit, Quora, Pinterest and even some popular social networking sites just in one click using these free mobile number reverse lookup sites.
Apart from social media accounts, any free phone number reverse lookup sites gives you information about the physical address, name, profile image, place of work etc. of the individual. All of these free mobile number reverse lookup sites for social media accounts are free of cost and can be used multiple times absolutely free of charge.
These free mobile number reverse lookup sites also look up to several new social network sites, so you can check if your significant other is still registered on any of the social media sites.
Here is a list of free mobile number lookups for social media accounts. These free mobile number lookups for social media accounts will help you to dig in deep and find social media accounts associated with the provided mobile number. Some of the best and free mobile number reverse lookup sites for social media accounts are;
1. Google Search
Google is an absolutely helpful reverse phone number lookup tool. You can search in Google for phone number on advanced search tools. Google will help for searching with a phone number and finding out online identities of the person, dating profiles, images, and social media profiles ids.
Pipl is one of the most famous sites for reverse mobile number lookups. This site is 100% free and provides accurate information associated with the provided mobile number. Pipl provides information on Facebook and twitter accounts, full name, physical address, profile image.

Pipl claims to be the largest people search engine with over 3101932991 people and still counting. This site is my personal favorite and and would strongly recommend using this site if you are looking for someone’s social media account using mobile number.
Pros of using pipl to find hidden social media profiles free
This site is very accurate in providing the basic social media information of an individual and you will be able to find hidden social media profiles free. This site also respects the privacy of the user. This site has a very user friendly GUI which makes it easy to use.
EMAILSHERLOCK is very famous mobile phone number lookup service to do a deep search on phone number without sign in and find someone’s name by phone number for free. This claims that the website has done over 5 crore searches so far.
However, this email service seems bogus to me as they claim that in their pro version, which is paid, they provide government records such criminal records, asset records, marriage records, divorce records, court records, property records etc.

They also claim to provide social media profiles of the sites like blogger, Dailymotion, foursquare, full contact, rapleaf, facebook, Flickr, GitHub, shutter point, youtube, and eBay. I have seen many tools online that does the work. This costs money though.
Pros of using emailsherlock
As mentioned above, apart from providing basic information, this free phone number lookup website also provides the government records which makes it different for all other lookup services. They also provide social media accounts of more than 20 social media platforms
Cons of using emailsherlock
This service uses WHOIS lookup for the domain registration address so will be less accurate. They also show the recent searches by the other users which I think is not a good idea
This site provides various lookups like name lookup, mobile number lookup, email id lookup, image lookup and username lookup to find linked social networks by phone number free.
This site will help you verify a person’s identity and to find hidden social media profiles free but this site is limited to basic information of the individual only. A deep search on phone number without sign in to socialcatfish can help you to find linked social networks. Many do the Catfish mtv phone number search to find mtv media accounts.
Pros of using social catfish
This free phone number lookup website helps you verify the person you’ve met. This website tells you about social networks, jobs, aliases, and much more apart from basic information and allow you to find someone’s name by phone number for free. This website also has a feature called reverse image lookup where you can search for an individual using his image as well. You can use this tool to find photos and social media profiles linked to this phone number.
4. SPOKEO Reverse Phone Lookup
This website is one of the popular Reverse Phone Lookup websites. This powerful tool for social media search provide various search filters and the user data is collected form 95+ social media platforms including dating sites such as Tinder and
Pros of using spokeo
Beside email and mobile number lookup, here you can enter the username of the individual to check whether the person is genuine. They have a very large network of all the social media profiles and they collect information from over 95 social media platforms. Many ask me how to search all social networks at once free using phone number search. You can use Spokeo for that.

Cons of using spokeo
Their disclaimer states that all data offered is derived from public sources. Spokeo does not verify or evaluate each piece of data and does not guarantee any information offered.
5. THAT’S THEM Phone Number Search
That’s them is another reverse phone number search and lookup service that provides you with the information when you give email id as well as allow you to find someone’s name by phone number for free. When I tried I did not get the satisfactory results. Seems like they have fewer sources than other email lookup services. They also lack information associated with a phone number and social media history.
Pros of using that’s them to find all social media accounts by phone number free
This website does not only accept email id and mobile number, but also you can search for an individual using his name, physical address or IP address also. It also has a user friendly GUI. They have also provided all the info on the website on how to use their lookup services.
EVERIFY deep search phone number service
This website provides deep search phone number service for free and also claims to provide the information related to criminal records, marriage records, court records, etc. apart from basic information.
However, their disclaimer states that “data availability is largely based on the public sources from which the data is aggregated”. So there are chances of them providing some wrong or misleading information. I would not advice to use this free phone number lookup service to find someone’s name by phone number for free or to find how many social media profiles are linked to the phone number.
This free phone number lookup website also claims to provide criminal records and other government documents covering all the 50 states. This service is available for people in the US only. You need to pay some money to get the full reports that might have these hidden social media profiles in them. If you are really keen to get them, then why not pay some.
You can always use other free reverse email lookup tools to find hidden social media profiles free of charge. Just run a search in and you will be able to find out more than enough free social media lookup tools to find hidden social media profiles for free.
7. Find Facebook
Besides these sites, you can use Facebook reverse mobile number lookup. All you have to do is type the mobile number that you want to look up to in the Facebook’s search bar. If the provided mobile number is associated with a Facebook account, it will pop up and you will come to know about that particular individual.
These free mobile number reverse lookup sites do not always provide the correct information about a person. These sites collect the information from the social media and it is fairly possible for an individual to hide the personal information on the social media platforms.
I searched for mobile number lookup services and Ones which I got were not working for whichever number I provided . Their only answer was ” sorry, this number is not in our database” . I tried them with Indian as well as US mobile numbers. So I was not sure if they really work. So I did not mention them.
And all the websites I have listed provide both services, email as well as mobile number lookup. I have tried these websites and they have worked for me. Some of them restricted the access since they were only Available for people in US , so I used VPN to access them. However, the information provided by these free mobile number reverse lookup sites is most of the times correct.
Reverse phone number lookup tool for US states?
I have written a detailed post on Find All Social Media Accounts by Phone Number Free for Wisconsin, Idaho, Indiana, Georgia and Delaware. I know many of you like to know more about free phone number lookup tools for Alabama, Alaska, Arizona and Arkansas. Here are two reverse phone lookup tools.
8. Best Reverse Phone Check Tool
You can use Reverse Phone Check for that for any Mobile, Landlines, Prepaid, Business, Prepaid & Unlisted Databases and Voice Over IP numbers. This reverse phone check tool is for US states California, Colorado, Connecticut and more. Reverse Phone Check connect with national phone carrier databases of US states such as primus, excel, ACN, allie, tvc and deliver results for campaigns as we expect them to be. Most of the users are from Phoenix, Arizona, Chicago, Illinois, San Francisco, California.
Reports will uncover Owner’s Name, Address, Email, Social Profile Accounts, Criminal Records, Arrests & Warrants, Assets and Court Records. It costs 4.95$ for a report. I am not sure about the authenticity of this tool. So careful when you access it or wait for my post of Free Phone Number Lookup Tools online.
9. Intelius
Intelius a free phone number lookup website where you can do people search and reverse phone number lookup. Intelius is for US states Hawai, Kentucky, Louisiana and Maine and more. I have used it and was able to find someone’s name by phone number for free. It is like a directory than a search engine. It provide all the names and accounts instead of accurately searching for the person.
10. Search the number on social media
If you are keen to find someone’s social media by phone number either on Instagram/Tinder, you can easily create a fake account or search the number on social media sites. Mostly numbers are unique and cannot easily be faked you can easily find out all social media profiles of a person.
- Go to the desired social media site.
- Search someone on social media with just a number
This is the best way to find someone’s social media profiles using social media sites directly.
There are many advantages of using these reverse lookup services to find social media accounts by phone number free.
There are quite a few advantages of using these free mobile number lookup sites for social media accounts. Like if u get a call from an unknown number or a mail that you think is not genuine or basically scam, then you can use these free mobile number lookup sites to find who was the unknown caller or whether the person who sent you mail is genuine.
Check out how to find accounts linked to email for free. There are many people out there looking for such reverse lookup services, so do consider sharing the post.