Google Ad sense is way to to earn good revenue for bloggers and publishers. Many publishers and bloggers apply for ad sense program and only few get approved. Out of that few earn a significant amount of money from blogging or publishing content and others get lower adsense earnings.
Here is a quick guide to understand why your AdSense earnings dropped down dramatically and what can be done to resolve this issue in 2017.
Some websites reported so low AdSense rpm and low AdSense cpc. It is really hard to pinpoint an exact problem of why your earning has decreased. Ad sense earnings is a based on many ranking factors, keywords that you chose, quality and originality of content and how ads are displayed in your site.
In order to solve AdSense earnings down 2017, we need to check multiple factors related to your site. In this tutorial, I will show you how to identify the source of the problem and how to fix it.
Are You Ready.
Lets Begin.
adsense earnings dropped dramatically 2017- Beware of Sudden Increase in traffic
adsense earnings down- Solutions of Sudden Increase in traffic
why have my adsense earnings dropped- Matching Traffic Data with the Google Analytics, Webmaster Tools and Ad sense Reports
If your site is having high amount referral traffic from Face book or any other social work, find out the source and delete it. You can remove that post which is having high traffic as it may be spam. Google bots do not like sudden traffic surges from social networks. This is a major cause for AdSense earnings dropped dramatically.
why is my adsense rpm so low- Check for Any Strange Traffic from Social Channels in Google Analytics
Go to Google Analytics
Select Acquisition – Social – Overview
You can see all other social channels and number of sessions. High number of traffic from social channel will decrease your ad sense rpm. Guess now you know the answer for question why is my adsense rpm so low.
Social Networks
1. YouTube
2. Blogger
3. Facebook
4. Google+
5. Quora
6. Twitter
Session Details
Sessions via Social Referral
Contributed Social Conversions
Last Interaction Social Conversions
Check for Google Updates if youtube earnings decreasing 2017
You can check Search Engine Land website or SEMrush website to check for such updates. In this case, there is nothing you can do. Delete low quality posts and videos and add more original posts and videos in youtube channel with quality content. Here are the new google algorithm changes in September 2017 that may have resulted in youtube earnings decrease.
adsense earnings dropped – Stop Submitting Posts to Bookmarking sites
Submitting posts to bookmarking sites, directories are considered as spamming and avoid that practice if you are doing it. These sites include, digg, stumble upon, reddit, delicious, flip board, live journal, meneame, pininterest, tumblr, weibo, xing etc.
Low ad sense revenue – Have You Been Doing Back linking?
There was a new bloggers who asked my help in increasing ad sense review. His post ranks were going very low and a sudden dropping of revenue. I checked his site using SemRush and was shocked to see that he had 2 million back links. His blog was just 6 months old. I told him to use disavow tool to stop all these back links.
Check Your Site Using SemRush
Sudden increase in back links can result in dropping down of AdSense earnings. Google bots tend to devalue sites if the site is having high volume of back links in a day or two. Stop back linking and publish more posts. This will improve the condition of AdSense earnings dropped dramatically.
Editing Template/ Website Code
Have you recently edited the codes of website or added or removed any code. Then there is a slight chance of dropping down of ad sense earnings. In that case wait for few days till Web master tools update.
Changing Site map of Website – adsense earnings dropped dramatically 2017
If you changed the XML or HTML site map recently then your AdSense earnings will come down erratically. Google bots depend upon the XML site maps and this may have resulted in dropping down of AdSense earnings. Deleting older posts will result in change in site map resulting in low earnings.
New bloggers do not know how to submit XML sitemap to Google Webmastert tools. They usually generate HTML links of the post and publish in a page and then submit the page to Webmaster tools. You should only submit XML sitemap to webmaster tools.
Check the video on How To Add XML Sitemap for Blogspot Custom Domains in Webmaster tools
Increase Load time of site and you can fix AdSense earnings dropped dramatically
Use Think with Google and Page Speed Insights to get a site report and check for load time in mobile, desktop and page speed.
Move the ad codes to above the <body> tag.
Check how many Invalid clicks, you are getting
Decrease Your Bounce Rate
Reduce your bounce rate. That way you can convince the system that your posts are read by actual visitors and not just spammers. You need to add more at least 3-4 good quality posts to website and publish each one with at least 4 hours gap. Share them only in Face book, Twitter and Linked in and no bookmarking sites or directories. Stop back links and commenting till your rpm come back to normal position. This ought to fix the AdSense earnings dropped dramatically scenario.
Delete, Delete and Delete – ad sense estimated earnings going down
Wait Some More Days to See the Changes
Place Your Ads In Right Position
There are recommended positions and ad sizes by Google to improve the CTR and earnings. Placing the right ad at the right position can bring higher earnings and increase revenue.