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How To Fix “Domain Not Visible in DNS Manager” Error GoDaddy

Whenever you purchase a domain using GoDaddy it should appear in DNS manager after the purchase. You can login to the domain manager or DNS manager and will be able to change domain settings. However many users complain that in some cases the domain is not showing up in DNS manager. Here is a short guide on how to understand more about the Domain Not Visible in DNS Manager Error and how to fix it.

1. Verify Domain Purchase Status

Check registered email account for mails on confirming the purchase from CCAvenue and GoDaddy.

Here is an example mail from CCAvenue.

Domain Names Hosting Services

Dear Customer,

You have received an order on
Please Note :- The charge will appear on your credit card / Account statement as ‘’

If you have a question about your order status, you can contact the seller directly by e-mail at : ccavenue[at]

For your convenience, we have included a copy of your order below.

Order # Order Date Order Amount

Here is an example of the mail sent from GoDaddy.

Congratulations, Your domain’s ready.
You’ve successfully registered .com. Log into your Domain Control Center to manage contact information, point the domain to website hosting, set up forwarding or auto-renewal, and more.

congratulations your domain's ready

Under this email, you can see Manage Domains button. Select that to open Domain Manager.

domain manager button

Check whether the domain is showing up.

2. Check whether the domain is visible in Internet

To check whether domain is showing up in Internet, use I have given detail instructions on that inFix “This Website Is Temporarily Unavailable” GoDaddy Error.

3. Contact GoDaddy Customer Care

24/7 Support: 040-67607600 with multi language support.
Live chat is available Mon-Fri at 5AM – 6PM Arizona time (UTC-7). I would suggest chatting with GoDaddy team, otherwise you may be charged for your calls.

4. Domain Won At Auction

If you won the domain in auctions at GoDaddy, then go to Then Domain Auctions>Bidding List>Won. Here you will find your won auction and see the date it officially transferred to your account.

5. Relogin To GoDaddy Account

Sometimes the browsers keeps the cache of the previous logins. So clear your browser cache and cookies. Sign out all go-daddy account. Restart your browser and again login to the GoDaddy account.

6. Ping Domain using CMD

Open Command promptusing Windows Key+ R or typing cmd in start menu.
Type ping www.yourdomainaddress [eg:ping or pin]

Ping Domain using CMD

Check if the packets sent are received and how many are lost. If you have received all the packets means the domain is active. Wait for 2-4 hours and do the 5th step again.

7. Find out Any Recent Changes to your GoDaddy Account

Contact info changes pending.

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