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What Should Someone Keep in Mind Before Starting a Blog?

How to be a best blogger and write awesome blogs? I was just searching in Quora and found this image. This is so funny!!

First thing first.

Ask Yourself This Question Every Day; “Am I A Good Writer?”

How to be a best blogger and write awesome blogs
Credit: copyblogger

These Steps to become Best Blogger and Write Awesome Great Killer Blogs are as below. 

1. Write
2. Write More
3. Write even more
4. Write even more than that
5. Write when you don’t want to
6. Write when you do
7. Write when you have something to say
8. Write when you don’t
9. Write everyday
10. Keep Writing

 There are thousands of people searching for tips and tricks to write blogs that will ensure that their blogs ranks number one in Google, Yahoo and other search engine. There are blogger websites that ranks first to provide content for other bloggers regarding easy tips and tricks for this. The funny thing is that the teacher websites ranks better because of student bloggers searches. Kind of a cycle mode of operation.

I also found a lot of the teacher websites however such kind of an image actually opens the eye…What do you say? It lift the veil in the eye.

There are no shortcuts. Keep writing blogs.

I will describe 3 interesting points which got from the image. These I think are very crucial to blogging.

Write When You Dont Want To

I really don’t think anyone will advice this in blogging sector. Most of the blogging Gurus will ask you to be passionate while you write and write when you really want to. They say when you do not want to write but you write, this will affect the quality of the post and hence loss of visitors. Somewhere i also followed this advice. I think thats rubbish. Google bots does not rank your posts based on your emotions when you wrote the post but of the content. So even you don’t want to write, keep writing. That post may rank number one in search list.

Write When You Have Something To Say

Most of the websites follows a niche model of writing. Cooking websites writes only writes about cooking related posts, ie; wedding websites, web hosting websites, politics websites. But maybe there are something which is in your mind and you have to say related to some other thing. I would say publish that too. One of my post about banking got more than 5k views which is not related to my niche. So write when you have something to say.

Write Every Day [But Publish In Every Other Day] 

All bloggers should write something or another everyday. This will make sure more content is produced. But ensure that there are gaps while publishing. Because your readers also needs a gap. lol. But true. Writing posts every day will also make you engaged and makes it habitual. More posts, More Content, More Views…

What to do or not to do

Stick to your niche and focus on targeted traffic. There is no point writing a lot of junk in post. Keep it tight.
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