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SEO Techniques To Add Your Blogspot or WordPress Site On Google

Some people always ask this, “my site is not crawled or indexed by Google”?. So you should know that each second there are millions of people are registering different domains in different hosts. Everybody want their website to be listed in the search engine in the first page itself which is not always possible.

image of Google captcha
Why isn’t my site on Google?

Even if Google is an international company it is not always possible to add your site to the search engine unless you tried to add it. Google will not list your site until you submit it for indexing. For that you need to go to There you will see something like this with a captcha.

Enter your full URL in the add URL box e.g. Enter the captcha
Click the submit request. That’s not all.

Add the following robot meta tag  to your template.

<meta content=’index, follow’ name=’robots’/>

This meta tag give info to Google bots that the respective site gives permission ti index the site to Google search results.

You can also add a sitemap for Google search engines. Now wait for Google bots to crawl your website.
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