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blogger error photo icon issue

What to do if you get a photo upload icon error in blogger?

Today I got a mail from my friend that the photo upload icon is not appearing in blogger. So I replied him that which browser is he using. He told me that IE (Internet explorer) is his browser. So I thought it is a matter of time to load this icon in his low speed Internet. I thought we will wait to find out the cause. So I asked him to try again and again. Still the same error came. 

photo upload icon blogger error

                                     I actually I thought this icon problem is because of his low speed Internet connectivity as I said earlier and asked him to stop the connection and reconnect after 30 seconds. He did repeat it for a minimum of 15 times. Then I got illuminated and asked him to use a different browser (such as Chrome or FireFox) other than IE. He tried that and he had no problem after that. 

Friday, January 04, 2013- The problem listed in Google blog
I found out that this icon problem is listed in the issue website by Google that is photo upload icon is not appearing in blogger for some users on Internet Explorer. The answer provided was to use a different browser (such as Chrome or FireFox). 

                   The second solution is to temporarily switch to the Edit HTML mode of the compose editor.I am writing this post because if any bloggers are finding an error like this icon problem; just change your IE browser into a different browser (such as Chrome or FireFox). I am using Mozilla FireFox for blogging. Hope somebody is illuminated. Thanks…


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