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(Solved) Override Inline Styles with CSS

In many blogger template inline tags are used which creates a head ache for blogger to design their websites. Here is an easy way to override it with important tag.

Inline Tags Looks Like What?

ACSSinlinestyle tag will be like:color: rgb(94, 94, 94)

A Divinlinestyle tag is like:<div style=”background-color:rgb(217, 240, 211)></div>

Once aninlinetag is declared in the style, that code takes precedence over other normal tags.

Easy Way to Search for Inline Styles in a Website

Refer to latest post on search for inline styles in a website.

External Style sheets Blogspot

Usually inline tags are coded inside external stylesheets which bloggers do not have access to edit. Hence it is very difficult to get rid of them. An external style-sheet will look like the one below;

<link href=’’ rel=’stylesheet’ type=’text/css’/>

If you select the link and paste in a browser then you can see lots of CSS tags in the webpage.

* Default Theme, v2.
/* Slight reset to make the preview have ample padding. */
.cse .gsc-control-cse,
.gsc-control-cse {
padding: 1em;
width: auto;
.cse .gsc-control-wrapper-cse,
.gsc-control-wrapper-cse {
width: 100%;
} and goes on…

Which Shows First: An Inline Tag or A Normal Tag or Important tag

Scenario 1:
If your stylesheet has a class like; .shipmethis { background-color: blue}
and an inline tag like; <div style=”background-color:red;), then the attributes in the inline tag will get precedence over CSS class attributes. Which means the RED color will be shown. But if you have another CSS style with important tag menioned like the one below; then that attribute will be selected by the browser.
.shipmethis { background-color: green “!important”; }
In this case the browser will select only “GREEN” color as important tag is mentioned. You can use this method to avoid conflict between multiple attributes of the same class and to override inline tags.

How to Override Inline Styles with CSS

You can use CSS to overrides the div inline styles from the markup. There is only one way to override the inline style is by using !important rule. !important tag can be declared in blogger template either with higher CSS specificity before the code, or equal CSS specificity later.

How to avoid conflict between multiple attributes of the same class

If your stylesheets has multiple attributes, like the ones below;
  1. .shipmethis { background-color: yellow}
  2. .shipmethis { background-color: green}
  3. .shipmethis { background-color: white}
<div class=”shipmethis” style=”background-color: yellow;)
<div class=”shipmethis” style=”background-color: green;)
<div class=”shipmethis” style=”background-color: blue;)
You need to change all these and make the color red. Then you can use important tag.
.shipmethis { background-color: red!important;}

Example how to div code override with CSS inline style
Example div code override with CSS inline style

What if you have 2 divs on the same page with inline styling

The blogger template may have multiple inline div tags, then you may have to add different classes or ID’s to them such div1, div2 etc.

Is it Possible To Override a Div Important Tag with inline styling with CSS Code

If there is a inline tag for div like the ones below;

<div style=”background-color: rgb(217, 240, 211) ! important;

you want to use CSS inline tag to override the above tag. So usually blogger use the below code;

.div_box[style] { background-color: rgb(216, 219, 215) ! important;

However this will not work as you cannot override the inline div tag with a CSS inline tag.

As a solution you can jquery to solve this issue. As described inStack overflow, using jquery will strip away the color attribute.

$(‘.div_box’).css(‘background-color’, ”); $(‘.div_box’).css(‘color’, ”);

Refer to (Solved) Override Inline Div Styles with CSS In Blogspot Blogfor detailed steps.

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