Want to get ifixit iphone 6s battery replacement, iPhone 5 Replacement Battery, Replacing an old iPhone battery, iPhone 4S Replacement Battery, iPhone 7 Plus Replacement Battery shipped to your doorstep at minimal cost. This post has the best information on how to order ifixit iphone replacement battery from UK, US, Europe stores. Ifixit iphone replacement battery can be purchased at a minimal cost. ifixt has UK, US, Europe Stores where you can order ifixit iphone Battery Replacement online and get it shipped to your address. I will share the exact steps on how to order and ship ifixit iphone Battery Replacement to your home address.
Iphone Battery Drainage
Lets start from the basics. Isn’t it?
You can Download Battery life, an app from app store and check the Wear Level of the battery of your iphone 5, Phone SE, iPhone 6, iPhone 6 Plus, iPhone 6s, iPhone 6s Plus, iPhone 7, iPhone 7 Plus, iPhone 8, iPhone 8 Plus, iPhone X etc. If it is above 50%, you may need to change the battery.
Then start reading on What Apple Says about Iphone Battery Drainage. So now you know. Good.
If you are sure on replacing the iphone battery, check Iphone official battery from Apple store cost updated or take your iphone for Service.
Are you searching for solutions for iphone battery draining fast all of a sudden, iphone 7 battery draining fast all of a sudden and iphone 6 battery draining fast all of a sudden 2017. This post shares you some basic iphone 5 battery drain solution, ios 10 battery drain fix and iphone 6 battery drain test and fix iphone battery drainage.
Fix iphone battery draining fast all of a sudden
If your iphone is getting switched off fast and the battery gets drained fast, you need to start from the basics to understand the issues.
When did this issue start?
Is the iOS version updated?
You can check it Under Settings> General> about.
Was the device recently updated, erased or restored?
Which App or feature has contributed most to the battery usage with the last 7 days?
Check it under Settings > General > Usage > Battery Usage
How to Contact Apple Customer Care Support
Go to Get Support page of Apple.
Select your device, select problem category that you are facing and select Chat/by phone option to start chatting with Customer Care Support of Apple.
The window will show
You’re all set.
Your chat session will begin shortly.
We’ll be with you in about 2 minutes.
You can click Start Another Chat Session for chatting again if needed.
Order ifixit iphone Battery Replacement from UK, US, Europe Stores
I was surfing internet and suddenly iphone 5 got shut down. I tried to switch it back on, tried hard reset but it was not working. I went through all the previous steps and realised, i need to change the iphone battery. I decided to buy a new iphone 5 replacement battery from ifixitUS store.
iPhone 5 Replacement Battery / Part Only cost $19.99 in ifixit US store.
iPhone 5 Replacement Battery cost $79 in Apple US Store.
Obviously ifixit was a good option. Now, I am from India, so shipping cost was around 51$. I tried another option, ordering from
UKifixit store.
I paid via paypal and got it shipped to my friends address. It costed me €23.85 EUR including shipping and tax which is 29.24 US Dollar.
Total products (excl. tax): 12,46 €
plus 20% tax: 2,49 €
Total products (incl. tax): 14,95 €
Shipping costs: 8,90 €
Grand total: 23,85 €
Shipment Details
Fri, 19.01.18 10:28 United Kingdom The shipment has been successfully delivered
Fri, 19.01.18 06:32 United Kingdom The shipment has been loaded onto the delivery vehicle
Thu, 18.01.18 23:19 United Kingdom The shipment is being prepared for delivery in the delivery depot
Thu, 18.01.18 16:39 United Kingdom The shipment has arrived in the destination country
Thu, 18.01.18 08:17 Köln, Germany The shipment will be transported to the destination country and, from there, handed over to the delivery organization. (Homepage / online shipment tracking: https://www.ukmail.com/manage-my-delivery/manage-my-delivery)
Wed, 17.01.18 13:16 Hagen, Germany The shipment has been processed in the destination parcel center
Tue, 16.01.18 19:47 Köngen, Germany The shipment has been processed in the parcel center of origin
Tue, 16.01.18 14:52 — The instruction data for this shipment have been provided by the sender to DHL electronically
In 4 days the ifixit iphone Battery Replacement reached UK from Germany. My friend was coming to India the next day. so Voila…