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html code to text ratio seo tool for blog spot blog

HTML code to text ratio seo tool for Blog spot blog

Blog spot blog templates are designed using HTML, CSS and Java scripts. Some times media styles, link sheets and filters are used to give interactivity to web pages in blogger. These HTML codes are often misused to improve SEO ranks in search engines. Some of these are stuffing keywords, use of meta tags etc. As the number of HTML tags increase the loading speed of the website comes down.

The code space of HTML tags have a relationship with the number of texts in the website. Usually the ratio between HTML code space and Text should be more than 15 percentage. The search engine bots identify websites with minimal HTML, higher loading speed and higher ration of HTML and Text.

Larger HTML code to text ratio gives you a head start in search engine optimization than your competitors. It is the the percentage of a web page that is actual, text content. This tool gives you the total percentage of actual text in your web page. This ratio is sometimes used by search engines, bots and spiders to calculate the relevancy and content strength of a web page. has HTML code to text ratio-

With White Space Excluding White Space
Code: 84,175 bytes
Text: 3,753 bytes 4.27% Code: 84,173 bytes
Text: 3,411 bytes 3.89%

Page Size ( KB ) 80
Code Size( KB ) 68
Text Size ( KB ) 13
Code To Text Ratio ( % ) 15.69

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Add Video From You-Tube To Blog-Spot Blog Using HTML And CSS

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