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fix server dns address could not be found godaddy

Fix Server DNS Address Could Not be Found GoDaddy

GoDaddy is one of the top domain selling companies in the World. Some users experience domain errors in GoDaddy. These errors appear with hosting domain, setting up DNS, changing name servers and leading to migration of domain.

New customer is baffled these domain errors and end up calling customer care. Many of these domain errors in GoDaddy is easily fixed with simple tweaks.

Here is the definitive guide on how to fix domain errors in GoDaddy domain provider. This latest update includes common domain errors and practical fixes to solve them. DNS Address could not found error can be removed easily by opting for Open DNS address.

Change Local Computer DNS Settings

Windows 7 Users
Go to Network and Solutions Center
Select the current connection
Select Properties  
Double click on Internet Protocol Version 4 [TCP / IPv4]
Select “Obtain an IP address automatically”
Select “Use the following DNS Server Address”
Add as preferred DNS server.
Add as alternate DNS server.
Select ok.
Disconnect and connect again your internet connection. Check the domain again.

Chrome Browser Advance Settings

Open Chrome.
Select Settings.
Select Advanced.
Select Clear Browsing Data.
Select Browsing history, download history,  cached images and files
Select From beginning of time.
Select Clear Browsing data.
You can also press CTRL+H to access clear browsing data.
Buy a hosting plan to host your domain. Your domain may be parked by GoDaddy currently.
Restart Chrome and reload the domain.

Add a nameserver to the domain. Your hosting provider will give two nameservers which needs to be added in the DNS manager.

Go to WhatsmyDNS and Check if the name severs are updated all around the globe.
You can use DNSChecker for checking the DNS status of the domain.
If you have purchased a new domain, then wait for 24-48 hours. It will take that much to propagate nameservers.
If you are unable to access naked domain, then forward the domain to www.
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