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Chrome Components to Enable Flash for Google Chrome

Many ask me how to do chrome components update and how to use chrome //components to update adobe flash player. Follow the steps described in this post to enable flash on all websites and domains in Chrome using chrome://components page.

Chrome Components to Enable Flash for Google Chrome

Go to Google Chrome, Open a new tab, copy and paste chrome://components and press enter.
Scroll down below and you can see Adobe Flash Player – Version:, Status – Component not updated, Check for update. This is the Chrome //components page that shows flash update.

chrome components page flash adobe update

Flash is pre installed in Chrome Browser and there is no need to install flash player in your windows or Mac computer. You can select the “Check for update” and the status will change from ‘Status – Component not updated’ to ‘Status – Up-to-date’.

If the status is not changing in the Chrome Components page, then go to Adobe Flash Player website using below link. Below link will automatically redirect you to flash plugin version suited to the operating system and chrome version.

Adobe Player Flash for Chrome.

When I went to the Adobe website using the above link, it detected by Windows version, Chrome version, language and suggested the latest Flash player. Here it is; Adobe Flash Player Version, Windows 64-bit , English , Chrome.

Adobe Flash Player enbale chrome update

Manually download the Flash plugin and install it by double clicking. 

Disable SMC to Update Chrome Components

Disable any anti virus that you are using while download the flash update. Symantec Endpoint Protection blocks such updates. To block SEP, Click on START on Windows and type “Run” without quotes. Select RUN and a small window will open. 
Type “smc.exe -stop” without quotes and press enter. Then update the Chrome Components. Once Chrome Components are all updated and Flash player is also updated, then again access RUN and type “smc.exe -start” without quotes and press enter to start up SEP again.
If “smc.exe – stop” and “smc.exe -start” is not working for you Window PC, then try ‘smc -stop’ and ‘smc -start’. These commands should be types without quotes. You can check the forum for chrome components to enable flash for google chrome for more updates.

Chrome Components and Details

Chrome Components will be show in the page. The components of Chrome are listed below.

  • MEI Preload – Media Engagement: MEI Preload is used to preload the content from websites for user.
  • Intervention Policy Database -This is used to push  policies and settings to user devices for advanced user intervention.
  • SSL Error Assistant – To verify SSL certificate of all websites
  • Software Reporter Tool – software_reporter_tool.exe is the tool used by Google Chrome to remove other softwares and unexpected advertising that creates conflict with Chrome user experience. 
  • CRLSet
  • pnacl – Portable Native Client (PNaCl) is secure sandbox for running untrusted native machine code in the Chrome browser. Source
  • File Type Policies – To prevent specific file types to synchronous, update and control chrome browser components.
  • Origin Trials – This is another safe sandbox to allow experimentations with web platform features without causing malfunctioning of Chrome browser.
  • Adobe Flash Player – Flash is a plug-in that allow user to access multimedia contents and stream audio and video smoothly.
  • recovery – Recover Chrome browser in case of emergencies.
  • Widevine Content Decryption Module – This WidevineCdm decryption module allow to play DRM-protected [Digital Rights Management] HTML5 video and audio from websites like NetFlix.
  • Signed Tree Heads – Used to verfiy Signed Certificate Timestamps (SCTs).

Enable Flash for Google Chrome on selected websites

Many of my friends has been asking me solutions to fix the flash player not working issue.

To enable Flash on all websites and domains, copy the command chrome://settings/content/flash.

Open Chrome browser and press CTRL + T to open a new tab, then press CTRL + V to paste the command in the address line and then press enter.

Chrome Components to Enable Flash for Google Chrome

Select Add Button near to the Allow text.

Type [*.] and select add.

add a site in chrome to enable flash to play

Note: means the website that you want the flash player to run. If you want to add, type [*.]

Open the website and Press CTRL + R to reload.

This will successfully enable flash in the website.

    Nothing worked for me except the above method. It enabled me to enable Flash in Chrome Browser and Allowed all sites show Flash and use flash player – Jean Paul

    Other methods to enable flash in Chrome

    There is no need to download or update flash player in your Windows 7 64-bit, Windows 8 32-bit, Windows 10 /Macintosh. Adobe Flash Player is in-built in Google Chrome. There are chances that sometimes when you play games in Facebook or online, Google Chrome will show a warning that Flash need to be installed or updated.

    So you may have go one to download it. You downloaded the Flash player and update it as suggested. The game or application will not run even after updating Flash. Why?

    For Latest Version of Chrome

    Go to Chrome settings>Advanced Settings>Content Settings>Flash>Check if the blue button near Ask first (recommended)  is on.
    If you are seeing “Block sites from running Flash”, then click on that and it will change to Ask first (recommended)


    Go to Chrome. Copy chrome://flags/#prefer-html-over-flash and paste in a tab. Press enter. Search for Flash and see if the options are selected to Default. If not, make them default. You can also do a reset to Default option.


    Go to Chrome. Copy chrome://flash/ and paste it a tab and press enter. It will show Loading for sometime and show some of the following details.
    About Flash
    Google Chrome 63.0.3239.84 ()
    OS Windows 7 or Server 2008 R2 SP1 64 bit
    Flash plugin C:UsersAdminAppDataLocalGoogleChromeUser DataPepperFlash28.0.0.126pepflashplayer.dll
    Users can use Chrome Components to Enable Flash for Google Chrome. Check out other All Connection Errors on Google Chrome and how to fix them.
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