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Best App Store and Google Play Screenshot Generator

Are you searching for Best App Store and Google Play Screenshot Generator, app store screenshot template, how to create App screenshots for store listing page for play store, create app screens, play store screenshots and awesome app store list images.

I was looking for some cool free app store generators for creating app screenshots for store listing page in play store. Unfortunately I could not find one. I will share an awesome DIY method where you can generate quality app screenshots for store listing page in play store for android, iOS apps in App Store and tablets.

Here is he summary of what we are going to do.

App Launchpad to Create LAYOUT & TEXT.
Mockuphone to create MOCK UPS.
Microsoft Power Point to GROUP PICTURES.

Best App Store and Google Play Screenshot Generator

App Launchpad is a paid service and they will add watermark in all the images you download. Do not worry about it. I have found a great way to remove them and you will love it for sure.
Go to App LaunchPad website, Sign up and Login.
Go to Dashboard, Add one screenshot, select Full Device Caption Above under Template, Select Google Pixel Silver under Device Color, Add your Text under Caption and Select Preview and Export.
You will get a warning message: “Heads up! As you have used Pro features, your screenshots will be downloaded with watermark. Upgrade or exclude usage of pro features to Export screenshots without watermark.” Chill and go ahead. Select Download and select App is not live yet?. Extract the zip file to folder. Now you have a stunning app screenshot with caption.

How to Make Mock ups with MockUp Generator

Mockup Phone is a great free app screenshot mock generator and I just love it. You can create mocks up for iOS,  Android,  Windows,  Phone , Laptop & Desktop TV devices.

For iOS

iPad, iPad Air 2, iPad Mini, iPhone 5, iPhone 5C, iPhone 5S ,iPhone 6, iPhone 6 Plus, iPhone 6s Plus, iPhone 7, iPhone 7 Plus, iPhone 8, iPhone 8 Plus, iPhone SE and iPhone X.

For Android

Galaxy, Google Pixel, HTC One and MotoNexus

For Windows


For Laptop and Desktop

Macbook, Macbook Air, Macbook Pro,  Surface, XPS, iMac

For TV

LG and Samsung

Steps to create beautifulapp screenshots mock ups

Go to Mockup phone website, sign up and login.
Select Android, Select Google pixel very silver.

Best App Store and Google Play Screenshot Generator

Upload the same screenshot that you have used to create app screenshot in App Launchpad.

Select Generate Product Mock ups, select Download Mock ups, Enter your email ID and untick I am happy to receive the newsletter and select Download.

Now go to your email ID and click the download link to download images. Extract to a folder.

Group App Screenshots in Microsoft Powerpoint

Open Powerpoint, add the app screenshots that you got from App Launchpad and set the size accordingly.
I put a height of 18.38 cm. and width of 10.43 cm.
Then add the app screenshot mock up that you got from mockup phone and drag it to fit the size of the Google Pixel Mobile.
Select both images, right click to Group and select group.
Right click again and select Save As Picture.
Create another slide and drag the picture that you just saved to the slide. Select Crop to crop sides and bottom and then right click to Save as Picture.

Do these steps for all your 8 screenshots and upload them to play store or app store.

You have Created 8 Stunning App Screenshots For Store Listing Page for Android App in Play Store.

Check out this Calculator Vault App Screenshots created using this method.

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