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How To Add A Forum Widget To Your Blogspot Blog Without Nabble

Are you searching for the blogger forum template, best forum widget for bloggers and embed a free forum on your blogger/blogspot blog. This post will explain create a forum in blogger, add forum to blogger free, blogspot forum template and how to create a forum in html code. You can use this html and scripts codes to create embeddable forum in blogspot for static pages. A forum widget will help you to improve user engagement and retention rate. Here is a quick guide to embed a free forum on your blogger/blogspot blog. Most of the websites were suggesting to add a forum using Nabble. Adding free forum widget to my blogger/blogspot blog without Nabble is easier and effective. Here we will be using Google Forum Script to add a forum to your blogspot blog.
I followed all the instructions on Nabble website and tried to install the forum. Unfortunately when I pasted last bit of code, I got the following error.

Nabble,Oops… An error has occurred.Please contact Nabble Support and explain what you did to cause this error. Your feedback is very important to us.More Details.Error 500.couldn’t update db for: s1074265 .Message: couldn’t update db for: s1074265.RequestURI: /more/ForumStart$Save.jtp.Server: by:fschmidt.util.servlet.JtpContextServlet$JtpServletException: rl=$Save.jtp?message=&content-type=familysafe&username=wilhelm123john&save=Create Forum&[email protected]&what=Forum&subject=HOW TO FORUM&terms=y&captcha=2ygpz&type=forum&lang=none&password=003akhil method=POST user-agent=Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/536.11 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/20.0.1132.57 Safari/536.11 referer= remote=

I think a lot of other bloggers also are getting the same error. I thought i will search for other methods to add a forum to the blog. So after a bit of searching, I found a method that works.

I will explain steps here; Follow below instructions to adda Forum to Your BlogSpot Blogger without Nabble.

Using The Google Group Forum Script Code

1.Go toGoogle Groups
2. Create a group by adding all the necessary information;
Group name:
Group email address: @
Group description
Group’s primary language
3. Type of Group: You have multiple options there. If you want a forum likeQuora, use Q&A forum or else choose Web Forum
3. Group Type > Select “Web Forum”
4. Set Basic permissions
6. Typeverification code and submit
7.You have createda Google Group.

Add a Forum to Your BlogSpot Blogger without nabble
Ship me this gain 100000 visitors forum

You need to Get the Working Code by doing the following steps

8. Go to Group Settings. Kindly check the below screenshot

Add a Forum on Your Blogger Blog
Group Setting

9. Scroll down and you can see an option as “Embedding your group”

To embed this group in an external web page, copy and paste the followingiFrame HTML into the web page’s HTML source. For more information on the possible options.

The code will look like this;

iframe id=”forum_embed”
script type=”text/javascript”>
document.getElementById(‘forum_embed’).src =
+ ‘&showsearch=true&showpopout=true&showtabs=false’
+ ‘&parenturl=’ + encodeURIComponent(window.location.href);

10. Go to Blogger > PAGES section and createonepage with name “Forum” orwhatever nameyoulike.
11. Goto HTML section of the page
12. Add an introduction or images for decoration or add a welcome message
13. Paste the code
14. Publish the Page

Now youhavea workingforum.

You can edit the options in Google groups for more smooth forum accessibility.

If you have any doubts or if the forum is not working as expected, let me know by posting your comments here: “Ship me this gain 100000 visitors forum

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