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Cookie Too Large, 400 Bad Request Chrome (NEW Guide)

It is quite distressing to see a 404 bad request error web page when you are searching important in Google Chrome.

Many Chrome users receive an error called “Cookie Too Big or 400 Bad Request Header Chrome”.

How to solve this.

Here I will show you the best ways to get rid of this 400 Bad Request Chrome Error.

What is 400 Bad Request or Cookie Too Large Errors on Google Chrome

For every site you want to visit, a request is send to the server by your browser – here Chrome. The request from Chrome tells the server to load the web page. This is usually done automatically and without a manual action.

Fix 400 Bad Request or Cookie Too Large Errors on Google Chrome

When the server accept this request, a website loads in Chrome. Chrome verify headers and cookies o the website and check if the loaded web page matches with the request. Unfortunately sometimes server does not understand Chrome’s requests. So server does not send any data resulting in a 4040 bad request error.
This can be caused by large number of corrupted cookiesheaders are really big, invalid hostname etc. 400 Bad Request or Cookie Too Large Errors on Google Chrome page will not let you surf Internet if buffer number is high. The default buffer number is 4 and size 8k. If the headers are bigger than 8k, nginx will reject them.
400 Bad Request usually happens when the server finds the cookie for that domain is too big to load or corrupted.Usually nginx server shows such 400 Bad Request or Request Header or  Cookie Too Large errors when the server finds the cookie large enoughBy deleting the cookie stored in your browser you can avoid this error.

How Does 400 Bad Request or Cookie Too Large Errors on Google Chrome Look Like

Let us imagine I have typed a URL of website wrongly. The server turns down the request. The user will get a 400 syntax error in the browser. The errors will look like this;
400 Bad Request
Bad Request. Your browser sent a request that this server could not understand.
Bad Request – Invalid URL
HTTP Error 400 – Bad Request
Bad Request: Error 400
HTTP Error 400. The request hostname is invalid.
400 – Bad request. The request could not be understood by the server due to malformed syntax. The client should not repeat the request without modifications.

How to Solve Cookie Too Big Chrome Error

There are many ways to figure out what causing this and fix 400 Bad Request or Cookie Too Large Errors on Google Chrome Once you find the cause find an appropriate solution from the following and use it.

Step 1: Check the URL

Recheck the url or website address typed in the browser whether the syntax is correct or not. The URL of the website such as or should be proper. If it is httpt:/ the web page wont load and provide an error. Recheck the website address.

Step 2: Hard Refresh The Browser 

If the webpage address is proper, then do Refresh the web page using CTRL+ R. This will refresh headers and the website. If that does not work, then do Hard Refresh the web page using CTRL+ F5. This command can be used to refresh the cache of the website and headers. See if the website is loading properly.

Step 3: Use Incognito Mode or Private Mode to avoid ‘bad header’ problems

To check if it the problem with corrupted cookies, Use incognito or Private mode in the browser. Go to Settings and activate in-cognito browser window. Press CTRL+SHIFT+N to open in cognito mode in Google Chrome. Try to access the website there.

This will not store cookies and if the website loads, then it is the problem with corrupted cookies. In that case delete the cookies. This usually solve 400 Bad Request or Cookie Too Large Errors on Google Chrome.

Step 4: Delete Cookies to get rid of “400 Bad Request. Request Header or Cookie Too Large” error

You need to delete the cookie stored in your browser. Go to settings and clear cookies and cache. Restart the browser. You may have to delete the cookies again after you restarted the browser.

Step 1: Type “chrome://settings/” without quotes in the address bar and press Enter

OR Go to Settings from the sidebar

400 Bad Request Chrome Or Cookie Too Large nginx Fix
400 Bad Request, Cookie Too Big – Chrome

Step 2: Select “Show Advanced Settings” and Select “Privacy” OR Click CTRL+ H

Step 3: Select “Clear Browsing Data”

Step 4: Select “Cookies and other site and plugin data”

Step 5: Press “Clear Browsing Data”

Step 5: Flush DNS to solve 400 Bad Request Request Header error

If the website is not loading in the in-cognito browser and still having the 400 Bad Request Chrome Error, then you need flush DNS of your computer.

Press Windows Button+ R to get run window [command prompt in Microsoft Windows]. Type “cmd” without quotes and enter. Check other Ways to open Command prompt.
Type ipconfig /flushdns and press enter.
Then go to the browser and see if the website is loading. If not restart the DNS service.
Step 6: Restart DNS Client Service to get rid of get rid of 400 Bad Request

Many of the posts that shows in the first page of Google does not offer this solution. I tried every methods given in those and nothing worked. Finally I got help from a friend and he suggested to do this trick to Fix 400 Bad Request or Cookie Too Large Errors on Google Chrome. Frankly this fixed my problem and the web page loaded fast.

Right click on task bar and select Task manager. Or go to start menu and type task manager to open it. Select Services. Find DNS client from list of services. Restart the service.

Once the service is restarted, open the browser and try to load the website again. If it not loading, then you can have to use TDSS tool to identify malware in the system.

Restart DNS Client Service to Cookie Too Big or 400 Bad Request Header Chrome

Step 7: Run TDSS Killer Tool from Kaspersky to fix request header or cookie too large nginx chrome

IDSS detects any root kits on your computer and remove them. A rootkit is a program or a program kit that hides the presence of malware in the system. You can download it from here:

Step 8: Use proxy servers to solve request header or cookie too large nginx proxy error

If it does not work, you can try proxy servers. This will mask your IP address and open the website. I have explained the use of proxy websites in the video. Any issue because of servers and ip address will get resolved by this method.

For request header or cookie too large fix for Mozilla FireFox Users

To Clear the Cache, Do the following steps;
Tools > Options > Advanced > Network > Offline Storage (Cache): “Clear Now”
To Remove Cookies from sites causing problems:
Tools > Options > Privacy > History > Select the domain name by searching on the tab and select it., Then press Remove Selected. If you are unable to find the domain, press Remove All. This also fixes 400 Bad Request or Cookie Too Large Errors on Google Chrome.

For 400 bad request nginx fix Internet Explorer [IE]Users

Settings OR Press CTRL + Shift + Del > Safety > Delete browsing history

For request header or cookie too large Edge Browser Users

Open Edge Browser > Select 3-lined Hub button > Select history button > Select Clear History > Select Show more > Select Cookies and Cached data and files > Select Clear Button

You can check out other solutions to Fix All Connection Errors on Google Chrome.

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