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Guest Posting The Realist’s Guide to Guest Posting

As you know guest posting increase your online presence, rating of Google, drive traffic to your website or blog and uncover it to new viewers. You will get back-links from the websites and free social promotion. Finally you can be friends to help each other…

books, ink, and feather in pink background
Guest posting can increase traffic sources

Getting back links through guest posting is important than other external back links  from comments and forums. If the post is fair to readers and up to the point, then visitors will visit your website too. The reputation of your website will increase, if you get a back link from a guest post at another reputable and popular website.

Many websites will have criteria on the guest posting and you need to check them before.

1200 to 2000 words
At least 2 images
100% unique & original work
2 links allowed:
1 link anchored, 1 link naked in the author signature
No affiliates or self promotion.
Please register at Website
Provide : 25 word author bio at end – Full name, work details – company and position, URL, picture
To reserve your topic …. email [email protected] with the topic you plan to write about

Topics To write for

  1. What are the essentials for optimizing your site?
  2. What are the SEO benefits of direct traffic?
  3. 5 unique / original ways to do Link Building
  4. 5 Biggest Mistakes doing SEO for WordPress
  5. SEO and Content : What comes first 
  6. Using Google Trends for SEO. 
  7. Behind the perfect Link: What makes a link worth getting
  8. What is Grey Hat SEO?
  9. Optimizing Shopify: Things to consider
  10. Understanding Competition in long-tail keywords

Write for us

Thank you for your interest in guest posting prospects at one touch of love. Please read through the recommendations before submitting your article.

Guest Post Guidelines

I am looking for quality based posts that are useful for bloggers as well as people. You could suggest a new topics for us…

       The article must be original, unique and well-researched. Lot of plagiarism is going on now. Use plagiarism checkers listed below for checking guest posts.


      Submissions should ideally be in the range of 700-1000 words. You can fragment your article into small paragraphs and include sub headlines.

       Data has to be cited wherever necessary and quotes have to be clearly attributed and hyperlinked to the original source.
      Submissions should be .doc format only (no pdfs).

      Before submission, please ensure that the piece is not riddled with factual inaccuracies, grammatical errors and poor sentences.

      Please add your by-line at the end of the article. It will encourage discussion and benefit you the most. Also send us a short bio, head shot and social network IDs such as face book, twitter and Google plus for free social promotion as a bonus from us.

If you have a post that meets the guidelines, Send Yours Now

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