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No Cancellation of Order on Zomato App

There are many people who order their food on Zomato. Its a very good platform to get food even late at night. However since some days Zomato orders are taking a life time to come.

45 minutes is the listed time for the food to be delivered in Zomato. Once its been ordered, a status bar will show whether the restaurant confirmed the order. After that the status bar shows whether the food is on the way and lastly whether its delivered or not.

The Infinity

Zomato Orders
Zomato Orders 

These days, the hotel confirms the order and then there is a long waiting period. That long period goes more than 1 hour or one and a half hours. Then once the customer go out of patience, try to contact the hotel. They say that the food has been taken for delivery. However that is not been updated in the website.

Customer contact Zomato using the contact option in the website and expect a call return in 5 minutes. Never!!! Then again, customer calls restaurant and ask about the status. They say it will take only 5 minutes to reach. You keep looking at the phone expecting a call rom Zomato after 5 minutes.. Never!!!

Finally after 15-20 minutes, food get delivered. You shout at the delivery boy and he says that he had many other orders to deliver so could not reach on time. Then you start eating food and even go to sleep. But will never get a call from Zomato.

No Cancellation of Order

It is to be noted that there is no cancellation button in the app or website. If order is confirmed, and if customer do not want it in next 5 minutes or so, there should be an option to cancel the order. Instead customer has to call Zomato and ask to cancel the order. Are you joking? Zomato take an infinite time to call back and why don’t they know that. 

Zomato Way of Working

These days, this how Zomato works. No refund even when the food takes more than 2 hours to deliver. No call support for customers who are waiting for their food. People order food from Zomato because it is convenient for them. Convenient is terms of time, waiting in restaurants, travelling to hotels etc.

As soon as these conveniences disappears, business for Zomato will also disappear. After all there are hundreds of other food delivery platforms in the market. As competitions increases day by day, it will always about how better the service is and not the design of a website.

It is time for Zomato to check their strategy and not just focus on making the website work. It is better to add a food tracker to know whether it will reach soon. Improvise or perish and that is the rule for modern apps and websites which applies to Zomato also.

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