I heard many complains about the issue This site can’t be reached. Here is an easy fix to fix this This site can’t be reached too long to respond error.
An example of the error is as follows;
This site can’t be reached
shipmethis.com took too long to respond.
Checking the connection
Checking the proxy and the firewall
Running Windows Network Diagnostics
Ping with Proxy Servers [SOLVED] “This Site Can’t Be Reached” | Fix Chrome
Go to KProxy, enter your site address and click surf. Kproxy will ping the site and check if it available or not. If an error is shown, then your site is down.
Check Name servers for This site can’t be reached too long to respond
If site is down, Go to your Domain manager and check if any recent changes are made like updating the nameservers, domain forwarding etc. Check if nameservers are correct and everything is added correctly. Sometimes when you update domain and DNS settings, nameservers change automatically.
Go to the domain manager, change the name servers if they are wrongly added or replaced with any other ones. Once name servers are changed, then load your website again. I am sure it will start working again properly.
Check your Internet connection, anti virus, internet security, Firewall
Sometimes anti virus software block the website if it detect a virus. Firewall can also block the website. Check if these are not blocking your website. Add allow option to the website. Reload the website to Fix “This Site Can’t Be Reached” Error on Google Chrome.
Restart the Browser/Computer
A good restart works magic. Do try a restart of your browser and computer. Check if website is working. This site can’t be reached too long to respond easily gone usually once cache and cookies are cleared.
Load in cognito browser
Load your website in in cognito browser. Check if it is loading correctly.
Ping the website
Load command prompt by going to start menu and type CMD. Right click on it and select run as administrator. A black window will appear. Type ping www.yourdomain.com and press enter. [yourdomain means your domain name]. Check if pings are receiving.
Contact Hosting Partner
If nothing works, do contact hosting partner and ask them to check from back end. This actually Fix “This Site Can’t Be Reached” Error on Google Chrome. If not try to do steps from Fix
All Connection Errors on Google Chrome.