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Fantastic 100 Shortcuts on Google Chrome Anyone Can Use

Learn all the Fantastic 100 Shortcuts on Google Chrome Anyone Can Use and become a pro at using Chrome Settings Content. Download Chrome and double click the Chrome icon to open Google Chrome. Once you have done opening Google Chrome, you can start searching in Internet.

The Chrome Settings Content shortcuts include chrome go back shortcut, change chrome keyboard shortcuts,  shortcut key for clearing history and chrome refresh shortcut mac. This post will share details on google search keyboard shortcuts, how to switch between tabs in chrome windows, close tab shortcut windows and close tab chrome.

Relaunch Google Chrome after updating

Go to Chrome Settings Content and find about page.

Fantastic 100 Shortcuts on Google Chrome Anyone Can Use

Open Google Chrome and start using easy shortcut to get an understanding.

Open a New Tab – CTRL + T

Close a Tab – CTRL + W

Reopen Closed Last Tab – CTRL + SHIFT + T

See other tabs – CTRL + Tab

To Type in URL Tab – CTRL + L

Erase the Current URL – CTRL + Backspace

Highlight Words in URL – CTRL + > or CTRL + <

Reload Current page – CTRL + R

Open the Search Bar – CTRL + F

To Bookmark a page CTRL + D

Open Downloads Page – CTRL + J

Open New Window  – CTRL + N

Chrome Settings Content and Fantastic 100 Shortcuts on Google Chrome

Copy the commands for Chrome Settings Content highlighted in bold and paste in chrome browser where the website URL is present and then press enter.


  • Open Google Chrome
  • Copy the command.
  • Press CTRL + T
  • Press CTRL+ V
  • Press Enter
  1.  chrome://chrome-urls/ –  Find out all Chrome URLs
  2. chrome://settings/ – To access Settings
  3. chrome://version – To Know Version of Chrome Browser
  4. chrome://bookmarks – Accessing Bookmarks
  5. chrome://accessibility – Accessibility features in Chrome are off by default and enabled automatically on-demand.
  6. chrome://appcache-internals – Application Cache
  7. chrome://apps – Applications installed in Chrome
  8. chrome://blob-internals
  9. chrome://bluetooth-internals
  10. chrome://bookmarks
  11. chrome://cache
  12. chrome://chrome
  13. chrome://chrome-urls
  14. chrome://components
  15. chrome://conflicts
  16. chrome://crashes
  17. chrome://credits
  18. chrome://device-log
  19. chrome://devices
  20. chrome://dino
  21. chrome://discards
  22. chrome://dns
  23. chrome://download-internals
  24. chrome://downloads
  25. chrome://extensions
  26. chrome://flags
  27. chrome://flash
  28. chrome://gcm-internals
  29. chrome://gpu
  30. chrome://help
  31. chrome://histograms
  32. chrome://history
  33. chrome://indexeddb-internals
  34. chrome://inspect
  35. chrome://interventions-internals
  36. chrome://invalidations
  37. chrome://local-state
  38. chrome://media-engagement
  39. chrome://media-internals
  40. chrome://nacl
  41. chrome://net-export
  42. chrome://net-internals
  43. chrome://network-error
  44. chrome://network-errors
  45. chrome://newtab
  46. chrome://ntp-tiles-internals
  47. chrome://omnibox
  48. chrome://password-manager-internals
  49. chrome://policy
  50. chrome://predictors
  51. chrome://print
  52. chrome://quota-internals
  53. chrome://safe-browsing
  54. chrome://serviceworker-internals
  55. chrome://settings
  56. chrome://signin-internals
  57. chrome://site-engagement
  58. chrome://suggestions
  59. chrome://supervised-user-internals
  60. chrome://sync-internals
  61. chrome://system
  62. chrome://taskscheduler-internals
  63. chrome://terms
  64. chrome://thumbnails
  65. chrome://tracing
  66. chrome://translate-internals
  67. chrome://usb-internals
  68. chrome://user-actions
  69. chrome://version
  70. chrome://view-http-cache
  71. chrome://webrtc-internals
  72. chrome://webrtc-logs

For Debug

The following pages for Chrome Settings Content are for debugging purposes only. Because they crash or hang the renderer, they’re not linked directly; you can type them into the address bar after opening Google Chrome if you need them.

  1. chrome://badcastcrash/
  2. chrome://inducebrowsercrashforrealz/
  3. chrome://crash/
  4. chrome://crashdump/
  5. chrome://kill/
  6. chrome://hang/
  7. chrome://shorthang/
  8. chrome://gpuclean/
  9. chrome://gpucrash/
  10. chrome://gpuhang/
  11. chrome://memory-exhaust/
  12. chrome://ppapiflashcrash/
  13. chrome://ppapiflashhang/
  14. chrome://quit/
  15. chrome://restart/
Hope you liked these shortcuts. Check out the Fantastic Connection Errors on Google Chrome and how to fix them.
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