I have bought a Raspberry Pi 3 and other components. So I thought i will share basic and essentialRaspberry Pi Commands that will help Beginners to operateRaspberry Pi computers.
BasicRaspberry Pi Commands For Updating New Softwares
To Get new softwares and updates – sudo apt-get update –yes
To Install new softwares – sudo apt-get upgrade –yes
If error comes up while updating then, with fix-missing – sudo apt-get update –fix-missing
To remove old softwares use sudo apt-get autoremove –yes
To Update firmware – sudo rpi-update . You do not need update firmware unless necessary. So use this command with care- sudo apt-get dist-upgrade –yes
Command To shut downRaspberry Pi
sudo shutdown -h now
Raspberry Pi Commands for Installing On Screen Keyboard
To install onscreen keyboard – sudo apt-get install matchbox-keyboard
To access on screen keyboard – sudo matchbox-keyboard
To access on screen keyboard in desktop as gui –
create a file on the Desktop and name it as keyboard.sh
open the file and paste the below code
Then open a terminal and write:
cd Desktop
chmod +x keyboard.sh
Press enter
Go to the file in desktop, double click and press execute.
Command for Installing Sonic Pie in Raspberry
To install sonic pie – sudo apt-get install sonic-pi
Command and Method to connect on SSH on Raspberry Pie 3
Install putty
Install Angry IP scanner
Install VNC viewer
Go to Raspberry pie and enable SSH and VNC
Connect ethernet cable to laptop windows 7
Run Angry IP scanner and find out alive ip addresses and copy them
Go to wifi connection – advance sharing – enable (if not available go to properties of local area connection and disable advance sharing. Reboot pc and check wireless network connection
properties – Ivp4 properties – get ip address and dns address automatically
Go to local area connection – properties – Ivp4 properties – get ip address and dns address automatically
Go to advanced – add gateway – put alive ip addresses here
Disable windows firewall, antivirus
Go to putty – put raspberry ip address and put a filename and open
Click yes
username : pi
password: raspberry
Command To access VNC in Raspberry Pie PC
Open vnc viewer, sign up and login
Use putty cmd – type ifconfig – copy ip address
Paste it on vnc viewer or just use raspberrypi.local. So VNC viewer will automatically select the ip address
Command To stop and start the wifi in Raspberry pie 3
sudo ifdown wlan0
sudo ifup wlan0
Command To check wifi and add wifi
sudo nano /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf
Go to the bottom of the file and add the following:
Command To troubleshoot wifi, if stopped working
sudo rfkill unblock wifi
sudo service network-manager stop
sudo ifconfig wlan0 up
sudo iwlist wlan0 scan
To change password in Raspberry Pi Terminal
Use sudo raspi-config
change user password
type password > enter
retype password > enter
press ok
username : pi
password: anypassword
Command To check how many USB devices are working
sudo lsusb
Command To To get online radio receiver
Command To Install mplayer.
sudo apt-get install mplayer2
After installation check whether its working
sudo mplayer -playlist http://yp.shoutcast.com/sbin/tunein-station.pls?id=1057392
Links to other online radio sources
Use code exit to stop playing
Command To install voice recognition software
To buy chalk touch screen 39.99$
Command To install ffmpeg
sudo apt-get install ppa-purge
sudo ppa-purge ppa:mc3man/trusty-media # ignore warning if not found
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:mc3man/trusty-media
sudo apt-get install ffmpeg
Helpful reference