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How to remove Quick Heal antivirus completely from PC

Are you searching for how to remove quick heal registry from pc, how to reinstall quick heal trial version again, how to uninstall quick heal total security without password and you have already used quick heal trial version on this system. Here is a quick guide on how to reinstall quick heal total security 2016 trial version, quick heal removal tool rar, quick heal virus removal tool and how to remove quick heal password protected.

I gave my pcfor a new installation of Windows and those service people installed a trial Quick Heal Antivirus in the PC. It ran for few daysand when the trial period was over, i tried to uninstall it. Even after my hundred agonizing efforts I could not uninstall this antivirus.

uninstall quick heal total security – Do Not Do the Following

I went to Control Panel > Uninstall programs > Quick heal Antivirus and it says Access Denied.
I tried using CCleaner > Uninstall programs > Quick heal Antivirus and it says Access Denied.
Used Registry Editor > All sorts of keys. It says access denied.
Went C:/ > Tried to delete folder > Folder Access Denied

how to remove quick heal registry from pc
Folder AccessDenied

Quick Heal Product Removal Tool or quick heal removal tool

After all these efforts, Iused Quick Heal Product Removal Tool. After using that, Irestarted my computer and my mouse, keyboard and touch pad stopped working. I mean how worse this can go. I had to use system restore and then mouse, keyboard started working but Quick heal folder and all registry keys have returned.

Are you kidding me? How can such a bad product is out there? I contacted customer care of Quick heal and they said that its not possible that my mouse and keyboard can stop working if I use this removal tool. I asked them about any other ways to deal with this and they disconnected the chat.

how to remove quick heal registry from pc – Solved: Mouse and Keypad Not Working

I have found an amazing way to make the mouse and keypad working after more than 2 hours of search. Quick Heal Remover tool removes the registry files of Keyboard and mouse from the system. So someone have made a registry key that reinstall the removed registry files. Kindly go through the below steps.

If you cannot do anything and Just Stuck

You need to do a system restore to make the keyboard and mouse to start working. To do a system restore, launch system restore from boot.
Shut down your system [long press power button] and start again. Long press F8 button to launch advanced Boot option menu. Select Repair computer. Select language settings and process to System Restore. Select a restore point and click Next and then Finish. Once system restore process is completed, restart the system.
When you do a system restore, the uninstalled quick heal files will comeback. However you can successfully remove quick heal files by doing the following steps and keep your mouse and keyboard in working condition.

Do the following steps.
2. Close all programs, windows, browsers and software running on task bar.
3.. You need to install the registry by double clicking it.
mouse keyboard registry install key
4. Select continue
adding keys to make mouse and keyboard working
5. You may get an error like the one below. That is completely fine.
cannot import keys to registry
6. Select Ok. And Download Quick Heal Remover tool from Official Website as per your system bit.
7. Run the program and Restart PC.
If you Now your mouse and keyboard will work smoothly.

For Other Antivirus Softwares Like Kaspersky Lab, Avast

If the keyboard, mouse, touch pad stopped working because of uninstalling any other Antivirus software, do the above steps. You need to download the removal tools from the official websites of antivirus products. Run the registry key and restart computer.

Video Tutorial On Keyboard, Mouse Not Working

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