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Project proposal model of Community Organizing and methods

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Community is a means and ways to organise a community, sensitize the needs and make them act on that issue through community participation. Usually community organisation is done by community organisers who have professional experiences in dealing people and social issues. Sol Alinsky is the father of community organisation.

text build and strengthen


To empower the street children in Free Birds and equip them with good medical care and support, thereby ensuring long lasting health.


The Free Birds is a grassroots non-governmental organisation under Association of the Welfare of the Handicapped (AWH) dedicated to improving the health, educational attainment, human welfare, and opportunities for children in streets. There are 27 girls and 31 boys in Free Birds. Most of them are natives of Tamil Nadu and speak Tamil. But they do not have any kind of certificates including birth certificate in Tamil Nadu.


To conduct a medical check-up for the needy children in Free Birds


The aim of the community organiser is to conduct a medical check-up for the inmates of the Free Birds. Children in Free Birds are abandoned children where some having backgrounds of abuses including physical and sexual abuses. They are affected by emotional disturbances and we can identify a lack of medical support or counselling support in the agency. This situation leads to behavioural issues, learning difficulties and emotional problems.

To overcome behavioural issues, learning difficulties and emotional problems of children, the community organiser would like to conduct a medical check-camp by collaborating with other Non governmental organisations who provide free medical services and counselling services. Some medicines may be very costly, so it is better to find out some NGO’s which ofer free medicines.

The project is thought to be expanded by organising the community to collect dresses for the children. This can be organised by creating links with Child line clubs, National Service Scheme and National Cadet Corps in colleges and universities. More than that this can be used to fill gaps between the children and the society and give them more confidence to interact with people.


1. To and identify children at-risk for diseases.
2. To provide activities designed to curtail the risk for getting disease.
3. To provide educational, recreational, cultural, health and lifelong learning opportunities for children.


1. Planning and related activities

The medical check-up will be organised by collaborating with Free Birds, Health Care foundation and Speek Out Loud. One day medical camp was organised before and identified crucial areas of children. Now a thorough medical check-up is needed and the medicines will be arranged from Malabar Gold. As a follow up of that dresses will be collected by NSS, NCC and Child line clubs.

2. Group decision making and co-operative action

The group has discussed about the issues which are identified in children and decided to conduct another medical check-up in coming January.

3. Communication

The details about the program was discussed with co-ordinator and head of the NGO’s. They are happy to conduct this program. The children were also informed about the medical check-up.

4. Promotion and Social action

Promotion will be given through media including newspapers, magazines and radios. Facebook is also a method to be used to promote the program. To promote social action the group decided to invite some eminent personalities to share their views in the program.

5. Financing and Fund raising

The total amount will be handled by Free Birds and there is no need to raise funds from outside.

6. Administration

All the members of Free Birds were informed about the program .


The medical check-up will be good for children to share their problems with professionals and make them more comfortable and healthy in the future life.


The medical check-up is very need in the community of street and abandoned children in Free Birds and dresses are also needed. This project is very essential to fill the gaps and empower the under privileged sections of the society.

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