I understood from the interaction with the students, they do not have any particular ambition or aim for a career in life. The supervisor also mentioned the same when we discussed about what we thought about them. Then I have went to the teachers and talked about this and they also agreed that.
Teachers training program was arranged by making the teachers understand that psychological stress that students undergo as well as how to motivate, inspire and promote them. The supervisor also agreed with us and asked us to give a thorough training for them. We were only prepared for one day workshop but since he asked that we agreed that we will do it. I have studied some of the literature nevertheless only found a few of it. It was not enough for two day workshop so what we have done is that we planned the first day as sharing day. Teachers can express what they want to express without even thinking that somebody will judge them.
I had asked individually to teachers about whether they are satisfied with the job. Surprisingly most of the teachers were not satisfied. The major reasons are lack of professional growth, less salary, temporary contract. This day was a day for sharing only. The teachers were pouring stories over the table. They were experiencing more or like a cathartic experience. I was happy that the first day went well as planned.
Today we have talked about what teachers should do to inspire students. We expressed our concern regarding the lack of English training of the students and planned a schedule for each teacher which they will do for promoting students, and provide English training for the students. We asked teachers to write motivational quotes every day in the board and spend some time explaining about it. We have asked teachers to spot students who show signs of distress or problems in learning and spend some more time with them. This will help the student to get more close to the teacher and may share the issue he is facing. We have talked about early detection of mental illnesses and learning disorders and how to do that. The teachers agreed to do that. Overall the workshop went well.
As teachers training program ended, we were very curious to the feedback from the teachers. The feedback was written without names in order to keep the anonymity. It was mind blowing. Teachers appreciated what trainees have done and they also said that this kind of program should be conducted in other schools and colleges around Budgam, Kashmir. He trainees are moved due to the responses from the teachers.