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Paid Fellowships Programme To Improve Schools In India

The post explains best and paid fellowships offered to Indian students where they can work in Government schools and improve the conditions of rural schools in India.

Many of the rural schools do not have adequate teachers, toilets, benches or desks, or even black board and chalk. They are just there for the teachers and all authorities to get their salary at the correct time. What these rural schools have are corruption in the mid day meal scheme, manipulation of attendance or teachers and students, falsified data on number of students, bribe and corruption in attaining government grants for maintenance etc. Education is what missing from the schools.

text it's your turn to change the world
Fellowships in India

It is necessary for youth in India to move to rural areas and initiate social activities to educate children and improve level of education in those schools. I remember a protest by children in a rural area of India to get adequate teachers. I have been working rural areas of Gujarat and have written some posts about that such as;

Fellowships are a win-win option. Fellows will get adequate amount of stipend to live in a rural area and gain experience while improving Government schools in India. It is a great way to make a difference in the society.

1. Teach for India Fellowship

Teach For India Fellowship is a 2 year paid fellowship program where young fellows work as full-time teachers in a rural government school in India where children from low-income communities come to study. Fellow will work with various stakeholders such as students, principals, and parents,and gain experience in grass-root realities of India’s education system.

In 2015, Teach For India’s 1100 Fellows work in over 320 schools across Pune, Mumbai, Delhi, Hyderabad, Chennai, Ahmedabad, and Bangalore.

2. YOU + Gandhi Fellowship for students from India

Gandhi Fellowships for Indian students is offered to youth from various colleges and universities. Fellows have to manage 5 rural schools for 2 Years and approximately 1000 Children. Fellow will be a resource person for the school principals by helping them to improve education level of children. Fellows work closely with principals in schools and support them in Principal Leadership Development Program.

Fellow is expected to build 7 competencies during the period of fellowship such as, 1. Self Awareness 2. Collaborative Work 3. Influence without Authority 4. Excellence 5. Risk-taking & Entrepreneurial Ability 6. Value Articulation 7. Private Dream Articulation.

These 7 competencies will be achieved through 10 processes such as 1. Field Support 2. Debriefs 3. Classroom Training  4. Community Immersion 5. Public Systems Project  6. Leadership Curriculum 7. Fitness Curriculum 8. Learning Journey 9. Private Dream Discovery Process 10. Collaborative Living.

3. Azim Premji Foundation Fellowships in India

Azim Premji Foundation Fellowship is a 2 year program where fellows will be posted in interior districts of Bihar, Chhattisgarh, Madhya Pradesh, Karnataka, Puducherry, Rajasthan, Uttarakhand and Telangana after 2 weeks induction in Bangalore. Rs. 28,800- per month (all inclusive) will be provided as monthly stipend for the fellows.

You can write to careers[at]azimpremjifoundation[dot]org for any queries

2. Shikshantar’s Hacking the Education System Fellowship


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