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National Workshop on Writing and Publishing in Social Sciences in Loyola college, Trivandrum

UGC-sponsored National Workshop on Writing and Publishing in Social Sciences in Loyola college is over after three short days of interesting and insightful discussions, talks, debates…It is one of the most influential workshops in my life which enlightened me, disheartened me and made me humble by providing me insights about my own limitations as a student…

sun light coming from building
Rays of research

I think i should share some of his talks to you.

About publishing a PhD thesis:

“You have to consider three things mainly before sending a PhD thesis for publication. Think Thrice before sending PhD.

1. Leave your phd for a while and after a while think about it and its worth. After this whether you want to publish it still, then send it.

2. Do you have sufficient material like 16 thousand words after you remove literature review and introduction? If not go for getting it first by pursuing more studies

3. Do you like writing? If not please do not go for publication”

About Book publishing: 

“This motivation when you finally implement this, you have to consider the economy and the society. Book publishing is a commercial venture. Money [economy of scale] is invested in publishing a book. Therefore, other considerations come into play. You have targeted book like academic books aimed for scholars and researchers. The primary thing about publishing a book is what new idea can be conveyed. 16 thousand words are in a normal book. The audience are larger in books. The main advice is write it in a way like a first year student can understand it. Even within the discipline, people do not know terms.”

Digital Tools and types shared in the group

1. Eviews – analysis software
2. Atlas
3. One note
4. Productivity tools
5. Reference management tools
6. Qiqqab -citation
9. Journal websites – Sage
10. Springerlink
11. Nvivo – Qualitative research software
12. Transcription software
13. Citation maker
14. Ginger – paraphrasing, spell check
15. G+  – convert data into graphs
16. Dietcal – Nutritional status of various groups
17. Sample size calculator – simple random sampling
19. Inflipnet
20. Infonet
21. Easybib
22. Googlescholar
23. Web of science
24. Scopus
26. Digital Object Identifier – DOI – number

Note taking

27. Evernote  -Good

Reference management

28. Zotero – -Good
29. bibTex
30. mendeley
31. Endnote
32. Nitro reader 3
33. Readcube

Word processing

34. LaTex
35. Scrivener

Document management

36. Syncback


37. Dspcae
38. Eprints
39. Social science research network
41. Researchgate

Journal publishing

42. Open journal systems
Content management system
43. WordPress
44. Omeka – collections of visuals

Hearty thanks to Ashok sir and Antony sir for reminding me to cut down what is not needed and pursue the vision in life…Ashok sir reminded me a person with strong conviction and somebody who left his job at sage journals to keep and pursue what he believed is right. I am so grateful at him and to all his informal talks with me that provided immense knowledge and insight…These are the days when one really read, reread, write and rewrite at least 12 times and still feel this is just bullshit…Hats off to you sir….Thanks to all the friends who accompanied in the workshop..I did not get enough time to meet everybody and talk.

Kindly be in touch in Face Book..

The photo of the author in workshop
Me in Workshop
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