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want to fight your case and win in consumer court india by yourself

Want to fight your case and win in consumer court India by yourself?

The Consumer Protection Act was notified in the 24th December 1986. It is a central government act that protect consumers related to issues related consumer products, establishment of consumer courts or counsels and other authorities. These consumer courts are established to settle disputes by consumers and companies.

An Act to provide for better protection of the interests of consumers and for that purpose to make provision for the establishment of consumer councils and other authorities for the settlement of consumers’ disputes and for matters connected therewith.

If you need to file a dispute about a product up to Rs20 lakh,  you can approach the district consumer forum of your district. If the money is above Rs20 lakh but below Rs1 crore, then you should approach state consumer commission. Finally, if the case is larger than Rs1 crore, the consumer can go to the National Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission (NCDRC) – Fax No: 011-24651505, 24658505
PBX No : 011-24608801, 24608802, 24608803, 24608804

If your complaint is about food and related products, you can visit The Department of Consumer Affairs under Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food and PD to file a complaint.

NATIONAL CONSUMER HELPLINE  Sponsored by Deptt. of Consumer Affairs, Govt. of India is TOLL FREE NO. 1800-11-4000, TOLL NO. 011-23708391(5 Line ) (Normal call charges apply)
SMS No. 8130009809(24 Hrs.)

You can visit the site of Computerization and Computer networking of consumer forum in country. You can also find out case studies in this site.,

The main things you should remember about making a complaint are that,

1. Register your complaint immediately before the warranty period is over or at the latest. That way we can get more chance of winning the case.
2. Follow the rules and regulations normally.
3. Understand the legal procedures of filing a complaint and other things related to the case.
4. Believe that you can do things yourself.
5. Ask others who had complained in the consumer court and get information needed. You can use forums and Facebook for getting information regarding the people.

How to fight your case and win?

Proper documentation – Bring the memo or invoice which you got when you bought the product.

Bring if there is any signed documents

Note down the complaint number of the company which you have accessed to get customer care executives.

Note that fighting your case is really time consuming but if you try you will get that satisfaction.

Ask professional help from non-governmental organisations related to consumer complaints like


Tips of making complaints

Consumer protection counsil

Prepare for consumer courts

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