Organizing community organization will give you firsthand experience observing and participating (to the extent possible) in the organizing work of the group.
You will need to negotiate entry and assignment with the organization leaders and/or staff. At the very least, you should have access to meetings, minutes and other materials of the organization, and be able to interview leaders and members. In exchange, the group may ask you to participate in furthering the group’s agenda, carry out a project or event, and/or provide feedback on your observations to them. This effort can be done individually or with other students. eg: Free birds, an ngo that work for the street children try to fulfil food, shelter and basic needs of children. But the street children coming from different backgrounds need more counselling and caring. Even the staffs in free birds are working with dedication and passion to take care these children in all means; some of the children are not getting enough attention by them. Good education is given to them but morally they are little weak due to their past experiences.: 1) What model or approach to organizing is being used and the steps involved?; 2) Report of the program 3) What are both the strengths and limitations of the group’s effort?; 4) What opposition and allies does it have?; 5) What roles do the organizers and leaders play?; 6) What has been accomplished? Were there any disappointments, failures or defeats?; 7) What lessons did you learn? Attend a meeting of a community organization or some local government meeting (Gramasabha), civic body or neighborhood organization (eg. block association,, women’s group, SHG) concerned with a neighborhood or issue; preferably an organization which is working to improve conditions, policies or services. This will give you first hand experience of community event.
The principals of Community organisation
The Principle of Specific Objectives
The Principle of Planning
The Principle of Peoples Participation
The Principle of inter-group approach
The Principle of democratic functioning
The Principle of flexible organisation
The Principle of Optimum Utilisation of Indigenous Resources
The Principle of Cultural orientation
The Principle of Evaluation
The Principles of Structure
The Principle of Communication
The Principle of Participation
The Principle of Leadership
The Principles of Felt Needs
Arthur Dunham’s Classification of CO Methods
1. Methods of Planning and Related Activities
a. Fact finding
b. Analysis
c. Evaluation
d. Planning
2. Methods of Group Decision Making and Co-operative Action
e. Meeting practice
f. Conference
g. Committee practice
h. Negotiation
i. Organization including Mass organization
3. Methods of Communication
j Education
k. Consultation
l. Public Relations
m. Formal written Communication
n. Formal oral communication
0. The interview
4. Methods of Promotion and Social Action:
p. Promotion
q. Legislative promotion
r. Non Legislative procedural social action
s. Direct action
t. Exerting or invoking authoritative Action
5. Methods of Financing and Fund Raising
u. Fund procurement by governmental agencies
v. Fund raising by voluntary agencies
w. Federated financial campaigning
x. Joint budgeting
6. Methods of Administration
y. Administrative activities of agencies concerned with social planning.
z. Administration of common services or community organization
a.1 Recording.
Steps to analyse a community problem
1. State the problem, in general terms
2. Give specific examples of the problem
3. Think of reasons for the problem
4. Find the most probable reason
5. Identify solutions
6. Choose the best one
7. Implement the solution
8. Evaluate the solution
Models of Community organisation
Structural model
Neighbourhood model
System change model
Hanna & Robinson (1994)
Traditional Social Change
Direct Action Social Change
Transformative Social Change
Rothman (1995)
Locality Development (Bottom-up)
Social Planning (Top-down)
Social Action (Inside-out)
Some questions for you
1. Briefly describe the different models of community organization.
2. What are the phases of community organization?
3. Establish community organization as a method of community organization.
4. Discuss the significance of people’s participation.
5. What are the essential qualities of a community organizer?
6. Write a note on principles and methods used in PRA? Give examples from the field for any two methods.
7. What are the Basic Values in Community Organizing? Elaborate any two from your CO experience.
8. Discuss the relevance of community organization in the field of psychiatric social work.
9. What have been the lessons of CO in the field of women empowerment in the last 25 years?
Report of the Community organisation
The Social Work student trainees planned to conduct a community organization program in associated with the concurrent fieldwork agency. The community organizer planned to conduct a medical camp and blood detection camp.
NEED OF THE MEDICAL CAMP The participants included 31 boys and 27 girls with 58 with age of the most children are 6-12. Last two years a doctor from beach hospital coming twice a month and checking children. Last 4 months they don’t have any doctor. If any children have serious ill the staff of the free birds are bring to hospital. Most of the children have different kind of health problems.3 children are mentally retarded. Children are staying in limited facility. They are living in very poor condition. The hygiene of hostel and children are very poor. Therefore, student trainee decided to conduct a medical camp for free bird’s children. Most of the student doesn’t know their blood group. So blood group detection included. In addition, IQ test, health education classes, and cultural programs added.
The overall aim of the medical camp was to provide free medical care to the under-privileged residents.
To provide medical service and consultation to the children.
To provide quality medicines, vitamins, antibiotics, etc…
T determine the blood group of children
To increase awareness of basic hygiene and preventative health care;
To determine the percentage of most common diseases among the free bird children and assess their most pressing medical needs.
To increase awareness of basic rights.
To determine the IQ of children
Student trainee and co-workers are discussed about the community Organization program medical camp with the faculty super visor on 2013 and shared the ideas to her about the program.
Student trainee and co-workers are discussed about the community Organization program medical camp with the agency super visor on 2013 and shared the ideas to her about the program. Agency supervisor provided all kind of advice and support.
Student trainee and co-workers are discussed about the community Organization program medical camp with the coordinator at 2013 and shared the ideas to him about the program.
Then student trainee went to meet doctors and discussed about the medical camp details
Meeting with health standing committee chairperson
Student trainee and co-worker decided to invite health standing committee chairperson of Corporation for inauguration of medical camp. We went to corporation office to invite them. Student trainee and co-workers are discussed about medical camp. She appreciates to us for our good initiative. She accept our invitation and ready to come the medical camp
Student trainee and co-worker decided to invite regional director of social security mission, as chief guest of medical camp. Student trainee and co-worker went to civil station to invite him. Student trainee and co-workers are discussed about medical camp. He appreciates to us for our good initiative. She accepts our invitation and ready to come the medical camp.
The trainee done some prearrangement for the program. Student trainee and co-worker designed a colorful banner and take print out. Trainee visited the venue and find out all available resources. Also arranged hall, classroom, and auditorium. As part of publicity student trainee used electronic media like face book, Email.
Write description of the program
Main strength of the medical camp was support and advice of all faculties. They helped us very much. Strength of the medical camp was support of coworkers. Our teamwork gave a grand success of medical camp. Each member did their duties very well and helps each other.
● the influx of children created long waiting hours.
● the camp could only be conducted within 7 days because of limited resources making it hard to give care to all who needed it.
● the venue was too small to accommodate the large crowd of children.
● More volunteer doctors and clinical officers were needed to cope with the large numbers of clients and limited period for the camp.
● at times, due to large numbers of patients, the services were stretched to their limits, only great coordination from the volunteers ensured that the operations went smoothly.
● Some of the funding resources did not arrive in time to allow proper planning.
Include how much money was spent on which items.
Student trainee conducted a medical camp and blood detection camp for free bird’s children. Student trainee learned how to conduct a medical camp and how to deal with authority, doctor, and co-workers in a medical camp. Student trainee understood that for children the medical camp and blood detection camps are very use full. Therefore, student trainee should give preference for essential things and urgently required needs.
Student trainee learned how to detect blood group and different types of blood group. Student trainee asked to doctor about different medicine. Student trainee understood that in medical camp presence of nurse is compulsory. Student trainee got a clear picture about how to conduct a medical camp.
Write what you have observed and what are your evaluations.