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How to Activate Amazon Affiliate Account that Inactive or Closed Without Warning

Amazon Associates is an affiliate marketing program of Amazon E commerce company. Website owners and bloggers can create links, put them in their websites and encourage veiweres to buy products from The affiliates will get commission when the product is sold to the customer.  After 12 months, I logged in to Amazon Affiliate account and found it has been closed. I found the following error after a signed in to the account.

Amazon Affiliate – Account Closed Message

“Important Notice
This account is closed and will not generate referrals. Access to this site is for historical purposes only. 
Before we can pay you, we must have your Tax Information, Note that only the primary account holder can enter this information. Any update to Tax Information after 15th in this month will be in effect, only from next month. Please ignore this message if tax information is already submitted.”

Amazon Associates Error
Amazon Associates Error

I was surprised to see this as I did not have any clue that Amazon will close my account without any warning email or confirmation email. I contacted Amazon Customer Care for knowing what happened to my account. The conversation went like anything. It is given below.

Conversation with Amazon Customer Care

“You are now connected to James from Associate Support.
Me: hi
James: Hello, my name is James. I’m here to help you today.

Me: thanks. i got an error when i signed in amazon website. The error is “This account is closed and will not generate referrals. Access to this site is for historical purposes only.”
what should i do now?
James: I’m sorry that you received that message without any information, but I’ll be happy to look into that for you. So that I can, can you verify your email address, name and billing address?
Me: ok
email id is ——-
billing address —-
is this fine?
James: Yes, thank you.

Me: ok
now what?

James: One moment.
Me: ok

James: This account was closed on November 1st 2015 due to not receiving acknowledgement of the COPPA Agreement (Child Online Privacy Protection Act). This acknowledgement was just your agreement that none of the information on your website was pointed toward or attempted to collect information of the age 13 and under. Since we never received that acknowledgement, we were forced to have to close your account. This means that the account can’t be re-opened and your previous links would no longer work from November 2015. The good news is, you’re more than welcome to submit a new application and I’d be happy to walk you through the process if you’d like.

Me: How come i did not get a mail from Amazon about closing my account?

Or a warning email saying that account will be closed if i did not sign the agreement?
James: We actually put a message on the Associates website during that time for all Amazon Associates. So that when you logged in, it could noticed and taken care of.

Me: But emails has to best right? what if someone is travelling? then its not possible to check the website, right?
email warning has to be send, right?
James: I know this is frustrating to have to deal with, especially since you’ve had your account since 2012, but it was legislation that was required to be done, so by that law, we had to, I’m very sorry.

Me: How come i did not get a mail from Amazon about closing my account?
James: We didn’t send an email to you.

Me: ya, why?
James: So what problem do you have with submitting a new application and re-populating your website with new links?

Me: i am from outside US hence isn’t it necessary to inform me about such a change over email? why it did not happen? I can submit a new application for this. But don’t you think i have a right to know about this?
James: Email is more convenient for people who don’t have the time to check our website, because not everyone has time to go to a website. Amazon Associate made the decision to put the notice on our website, since you must go there normally to check on reports.
Me: That logic is completely fine.But justifying not sending a mail is frivolous.
There should be proper mechanisms in place to address these issues. Not doing that and justifying the mistakes are not good for a company like Amazon.

James: Is there anything else I can assist you with today?
Me: I only asked why the mail was not send to me. kindly answer that

James: I’ve answered your question and you’ve chosen not to accept that as an answer. Is there anything else I can help you with?
Me: Your reply is “because not everyone has time to go to a website, Amazon Associate made the decision to put the notice on our websitesince you must go there normally”
What is that actually means?
Your solution is “what problem do you have with submitting a new application and re-populating your website with new links?”
Kindly help me to remove all my information from Amazon website

James: We can send you an email if you wish to close out your account.
Me: please do
James: Ok, I’ve sent the email to your email address you gave me. Thank you for contacting Amazon Associates. Please click the “end chat” button to close this chat.
Me: ok. bye. take care. good day”

Amazon closed my Affiliate account with no warning and when I contact them to know about the customer care executive is bullying with me. The reason to close my account was I did not sign COPPA Agreement (Child Online Privacy Protection Act). Because I did not receive any warning email saying that you should sign or your account will be taken down. When I asked him, why no mail was send, hi answer is “So what problem do you have with submitting a new application and re-populating your website with new links?”. I am not the only person faced this arrogance and no care attitude of Amazon. Read Joel’s story or Tony’s experience
After the bitter conversation with the Amazon Customer Care executive, I received a mail from Customer Service. 

Message From Customer Service

Hello Akhil,

I want to make sure that closing your account won’t cause problems with any open transactions or other websites you might visit.

Here are some things to keep in mind:

— If you use your log-in on other sites (e.g.,, international Amazon sites ( except for and, etc.), you’ll also lose access to those accounts.
— If you’ve placed orders on AmazonLocal, you’ll no longer have access to your vouchers.
— Any open orders you have will be canceled.
— All subscriptions will be canceled (Amazon Prime, Subscribe and Save, etc.).
— If you have a remaining Gift Card or promotional credit balance, you won’t have access to use the funds.
— Returns and refunds can’t be processed for orders on closed accounts.
— You won’t be able to initiate Textbook Rental returns and will remain responsible for outstanding rentals.
— You won’t be able to access digital content (Kindle, Amazon Video, Amazon Appstore, Digital Music, etc.).
— You won’t be able to re-download content from your Games & Software Library.
— Your Amazon Payments account will be closed and can’t be reopened.
— We can’t transfer the history of an account to another account.
–We will delete your customer profile as well as all your reviews, discussion posts and customer images.
— You’ll no longer have access to your Associates, Amazon Web Services, Seller, Author Central, Kindle Direct Publishing and/or Mechanical Turk accounts.
— If you have an Amazon Web Services account, please contact AWS customer support for assistance with closing your AWS account :…

If you still want to close your account after reviewing the items above, please write back by visiting this link and state that you want to close your account:

[Link redirects]

I hope this helps. We hope to see you again in the future.

We’d appreciate your feedback. Please use the links below to tell us about your experience today.

Best regards,”

There was a link that redirected to Amazon Account Closing window. I entered Name, Email and mentioned that I need to closed down my account. I got a reply email today which listed below.

Reply For Request to Close Down Amazon Account

“Hello Akhil,

Thanks for confirming.

As requested, your account has been closed and I’ve unsubscribed your e-mail address, [email protected], from our mailing list. Your account is no longer accessible to you or anyone else.

We’ve appreciated your business and wish you the best of luck in the future.

We’d appreciate your feedback. Please use the links below to tell us about your experience today.

Best regards,”


Such kind of rude behaviors and worst business practices will keep on happening as there are no particular online law enforcement agencies to take care of the affiliates. Big corporations like Amazon offers paltry amounts to affiliates and close down their account without any warning emails. Hence think twice before being an Amazon Affiliate.

How to Activate Amazon Affiliate Account that Inactive or Closed Without Warning

Method 1: To Activate Through Signing Declaration

To complete the declaration:
1. Sign in to your Associates Central account at:
2. Click on “Account Settings”, then click on “Edit your website list”
3. Ensure ‘Your website list’ is accurate – by adding new websites or removing existing ones from the list.
4. Click on “Next” and complete the declaration process.
If you have questions or issues regarding your Amazon Associates website list, please contact Amazon Associates Customer Service at:

Method 2: To Activate Through Joining

Go to 
Or Select the Join Now link.
You may get a confirmation email regarding you Amazon Account is running. If not, kindly check with the Amazon support team.

If you need to read more about this topic: Refer to Amazon Affiliate Account Closed Without Warning

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