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3 steps to Jet Privilege Claim Missing Miles

Many travelers fly in Jet Airways as it provides good service as well as good food. Usually people book flight tickets from Jet Airways website however many books from non- airline partners like makemytrip etc. This post helps flight travelers to claim / redeem  Jet Airways JP miles On Non-Airline Partners.

Jet Airways JP miles Website Home Page
Jet Airways JP miles

Step 1: Go to Jet Airways website and register as a jet airways privilege member.

Step 2: Login and get Jet Airways privilege number.

Step 3 [That is all you have to do] Send Email to Send an mail to memberservices[at] and cc to memberservices[at] with following details;

 The content of the mail should consist departure airport, arrival airport, date, JetPrivilege Membership Number. The draft of the mail is as follows;

“I traveled from [Departure airport] to [Arrival airport] on [date]. I would like to Claim JP miles under JetPrivilege Membership Number [number here]. “

Attachments: Boarding pass, E ticket and Invoice. [When traveler book from non airline partner, they get an email with attached E ticket and Invoice.]

You will get a reply in short from Jet Airways.

Dear Member,
Thank you for writing to us.
We have shared your correspondence with our service team. Your reference id for this correspondence is ……
Our member service representative will respond to you within 72 hours.
Thank you for your patience and understanding in the interim.

Yours sincerely,
JetPrivilege Service Centre
Jet Privilege Private Limited

After a day or two, you will again receive a email from Jet Airways.

Dear Mr. ….,
This is with reference to your email dated May 27, 2016.
Allow us to mention that we have sent a reply at aa[at] which is the email address recorded with us.
Should you require any further information or assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us. Do mention your JetPrivilege number and membership tier in the subject line, in your future correspondence.

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Claim missing miles

Redemption of miles

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