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searching for social work blogs websites with active services in india

Searching for Social Work Blogs / Websites with Active Services in India???

I was searching for some Social Work Blogs in India in Google. I am really disappointed to know and say that I have found only three and one of them handle all kind of disciplines including social work. There are the websites which i have found.

1. Devnetjobsindia – is one of the website that gives information about development jobs and consulting opportunities in India. This provide space for both recruiters and job seekers to post. It has numerous jobs and posts but not all jobs are related to social work. The disciplines will be public policy, law, governance, etc. It is a cumbersome process to search through each job and looking whether the eligibility criteria states social work.

2. Thesocialscienceinformer disseminate information on social science conferences, jobs, courses etc in India and abroad. The last post was in Tuesday, February 24, 2015. The jobs are listed in fashion that the announcements and notifications about conferences, jobs, courses are messed up. There is no filter option to categorize conferences, jobs, courses, internship, fellowships etc.

3. Thesocialworker – is a platform dedicated to Social Work Profession. The website helps people with adequate updates around the world. I think this is one of the current updated website i have found in internet. The website has good number of posts that related only to social work and keep updating day by day. Hence a little of improvement can be done on the outlook and layout of the website.

4. Indiansocialworker is a blog that provides information about job openings and Registration and funding of NGOs, The motto of the blog is to proliferate the core values of social work professions – service, social justice, dignity and worth of the person, importance of human relationships, integrity and competence.

I was thinking why social work profession do not have a blog that provides information regrading different kinds of information regarding jobs, internships, course admissions, fellowships, censorship etc. That would be really helpful for the upcoming social work students.

Kindly tweet my posts to others so that everyone will see it and bookmark it for future use. If anybody have any other Active Social Work Blogs / Websites in India, kindly post it. I ma glad to share it to others.

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