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Solved: Error:Execution failed for task app:processGoogleAdsDebugGoogleServices

Many beginners struggle to get out from the error unable to find the “app:processGoogleAdsDebugGoogleServices”. Here is a tutorial on how to solve the random error Execution failed for task ’:app:processGoogleAdsDebugGoogleServices’. No matching client found for package name

Error:Execution failed for task app:processGoogleAdsDebugGoogleServices

What is app:processGoogleAdsDebugGoogleServices

This error appears if you have bought an app from an app market place such as sellmyapp or Codecanyon and try to compile it in Android Studio by changing the package name.

Every app has a package name such such com.zzz.xxxx. If the app supports Fire base, the developer would have registered it in Firebase database. The developer downloads the config file and add to the source code. Android Studio will compile the source code only if the package name matches with the package name in Firebase config file.

The Execution failed error appears because Android Studio could not match the package name of the app and the package name in the firebase config file.

How To Fix Error:Execution failed for task app:processGoogleAdsDebugGoogleServices

The app would have been added in FireBase and the config file generated in Firebase have added to the source code. First you need to go to Firebase and generate a config file for the package name you want.

Generating Config File in Firebase

You need to create an Android Project in Firebase.

Sign up and Login to Firebase.

Watch the video on How to Add Android Project to Firebase and Download google-services Script.

Download the config file to your computer.
Copy the Config file.

Find Existing Firebase Config File in The App Folder

Go to the app folder.
You can find the config file there. Or Search for “google-services”.
You will find a Json file named google-services.
Paste the downloaded config file by replacing existing one.
Go to Android Studio. Do a rebuild and then it will compile.

Fix Permission Error If Pops Up

If you are getting permission error, then open and copy all the codes from downloaded config file.
Open existing config file and delete all the codes inside it. Then paste the whole content inside the existing config file.

Save the file.

Go to Android Studio. Do a rebuild and then it will compile.

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