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online free converter gadget from html to php javascript asp

Online free Converter gadget from HTML to PHP, Javascript, ASP

Blogger templates are coded by HTML. Now HTML5 is used fro coding and it has so much advanced features like embedded you tube videos, canvas etc. Today i am going to share an awesome Online free Converter gadget from HTML to PHP, JavaScript, ASP. using this gadget you can convert your HTML code to PHP codes or HTML to JavaScript codes or HTML to  ASP codes.This was developed by M.Weidemann (

HTML – Hypertext Mark up language used to create websites. The latest version is HTML5.

The HTML code look like this

<!DOCTYPE html>
<h1>My First Heading</h1>
<h2>My Second Heading</h2>


And the result is –

 My First Heading

My Second Heading

PHP – Hypertext PreProcessor is a  programming language used for serve side scripting language. The latest version is 5.5.11.

The PHP code can be added like the following

<!DOCTYPE html>
echo “My new learning!”;

And the result will be like this – My new learning!

ASP – Active Server pages  is a  programming language by Microsoft for server side scripting for web server applications.

The ASP code can be added like this,

<!DOCTYPE html>
response.write(“Adding the ASP code!”)

and the result will be – Adding the ASP code!

JavaScript – JavaScript or JS is a programming language for website applications, for improving interactivity of websites and used in web browsers.

The JavaScript code can be used like this,

<!DOCTYPE html>
<p>Click the button to display the current day, date, and time.</p>
<p id=”demo”></p>
<button type=”button” onclick=”myFunction()”>Try it</button>
function myFunction()
document.getElementById(“demo”).innerHTML = Date();

The result will be like this

Click the button to display the current day, date, and time.

This gadget will be really helpful for you if you want to learn the basics of coding.

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